Showing: 41-50 of 62 results

Camp Squared? Deciding if camp should be a sibling experience

Camp can be a beneficial, fun, life-changing experience for every child, but if you have two or more children in your household the biggest decision looking ahead to this summer may be "Do I send one...

A Partnership of Caring - Parents and Camps Join Together

Child Protection is a Shared Responsibility Nothing substitutes for the vigilance and care of parents in determining a safe situation for their children. While no institution--schools, churches,...

Healthy Teens

ACA is committed to promoting healthy lifestyles for youth.  In conjunction with its "Partnering With Parents" initiative, the American Camp Association is pleased to present a series...

The Elephant in the Room: Communicating With Kids About the Economy

Not surprisingly, parents may be reluctant to discuss difficult economic times with their children.  Viewed as the province of adult anxiety, the burdens imposed by tumbling stock prices,...

Parents Play a Pivotal Role in Keeping Teens Safe During the Summer Driving Season

William Shakespeare wrote, "Summer's lease hath all too short a date," apparently foreshadowing the all-too-soon approach of fall. But a short summer season is time enough still for even the most...

Teens at Camp, Camp and Teens

Camp Programs that Dare to be Different! When TIME magazine ran its cover feature on "Being 13 in America" in the summer of 2005, they wrote about the complex pressures and surprisingly...

Early Adolescence - Ages 11 to 13

Developmental Milestones Increase vocabulary to 40,000 words (nearly double from ages 8-9) Choose friends based on common interests, rather than parent selection Begin the...

Middle Adolescence - Age 14 to 16

Developmental Milestones Increase their hypothetical reasoning abilities Conduct increasing future planning Experience further sexual maturation and explore issues of...