What's the Impact of Gender-Inclusive Cabins on Campers' Friendships?That question was one that I and my collaborator Leila Bighash sought to help answer in our...
Summer Camp for All: Serving the Need of Trans CampersIn this article, we offer some basic guidance on ways you might address the needs of transgender youth who want to attend your camp.
Trans Two: The Next LevelCamps have had exposure to learning more about serving transgender campers and staff, but what happens when you still face questions and challenges in this developing topic? This session will go...
A Lot of Courage Is NeededAn interview with Nick Teich, founder and CEO of Camp Aranu’tiq. Camp Aranu'tiq of Harbor Camps is a nonprofit program serving transgender and gender-variant youth and their families. Camp Aranu...
How Can Camps Support Transgender Youth?Inclusive summer camp experiences can make a positive impact on transgender children.
Individuals Who Identify as Gender Non-ConformingThis year, and for the past three years, the Hotline Team has seen a sharp increase in the number of calls regarding the issues of inclusion and accommodation of people who identify as trans,...
Transgender Youth — The Role Camps Might PlayYou may be asking yourself, "What does a discussion about transgender individuals have to do with me? Why am I reading this in Camping Magazine?" We've had the conversation about the LGBTQ community...
Does Your Camp Reinforce, Resist, or Relieve Gender Stereotypes?Can you believe that sexist practices and beliefs remain entrenched in camps, even in this day and age? Although we have made great strides over the last decade to eradicate overtly sexist behaviors...
Transgender Staff and Anti-DiscriminationThe subject of transgender staff at camps is one that is getting a lot of play lately. For those camps that have not yet dealt with a current staff member transitioning or a new...
On Bodies, Beliefs, and Bias: Why Respect for Human Rights Is UnnaturalMy mother crochets. Over tea in restaurants. In line at the airport. At the movies. If you can breathe there, my mom can crochet there. She crochets for friends, family, and perfect strangers....