Showing: 41-50 of 82 results

Contracting with User Groups/Rental Groups, Revisited

Be sure you understand your state's laws regarding contracts and liability.  Seek legal advice prior to developing your user group contract. Introduction Previously in CampLine,1,...

Staff Retention, Recruiting, and Revving Up in the Off-Season

By this point in the year, you've processed your staff evaluations, and you've been thinking about those difficult decisions: "Should I hire her back?" or "This person just didn't cut it; is it time...

Camper Medical Risks and Trends

Recent trends indicate camp directors are buying less camper accident and sickness medical insurance and relying more on a parent’s insurance to pay for the occasional camper injury or illness. As a...

Risk Management: Camp Management Liability — Evolving Risk

Our uncertain economic times serve as a reminder that the business of camp is full of change. When society, environments, and circumstances change, camp directors and owners are challenged to...

Insurance 101: Your Insurance Policy — What Does it Really Mean?

Several months after renewing your insurance coverage each year, you can count on receiving one or more fat envelopes in the mail containing your insurance policies. How many of us actually pull them...

Maintaining Perspective — Is There Still a Place for Camper Accident and Sickness Insurance in Your Camp Risk Management Plan?

Healthcare costs are out of control in our society, driven largely by Americans' lifestyles, attitudes regarding exercise, and unhealthy eating habits. These costs are exacerbated by our litigation-...

Resources to Help Children Cope with Crisis

Dowload a July 2011 update of this information. As crisis events play out...

Why Can’t School Be More Like Camp?

Yesterday, my fourth grade son came home from school downcast. It’s his third week at a new school, and I had encouraged him to find a friend or two to invite over to swim. He had asked two boys for...

A Parent’s Thoughts on Sleep-Away Camp Bunk Selection

Right now, many parents are contacting camp directors across the country trying to make sure their son or daughter gets into the “right bunk.” The only question is, what is the “right bunk?” What...

The Power of Play

Dr. David Elkind Urges Parents to Add More Play to their Children's Lives "The traditional summer camp recognizes that play is a powerful form of learning that contributes mightily to the...