Showing: 21-30 of 205 results

Let’s Play Nicely: Eight Tips for Creating Safe Spaces at Camp

For generations, a camp director’s focus on safety meant protecting campers from physical harm. In today’s reality that is still a necessity though insufficient. Safe space at camp has now evolved...

Foster a Feeling to Cross the Generational Divide

As leaders interacting with the next generation we have a choice. We can spin our wheels trying to understand why they aren’t where we are, where we believe they “should be,” or we can consider the...

Top 25 Staffing Solutions Gathered through Collaboration

Highlighted here is a curated collection of great ideas about how to recruit and retain staff — a direct result of the last two years of conferences and various collaborative brainstorming sessions...

On Camp and Pride

Growing up in the 1980s and ’90s, something I looked forward to every year was attending summer camp. After spending winters mostly indoors, the perfect reprieve from school was getting the...

Interrupting Biases

"Excuse me," the camp director interrupted, "I just need you to tell us how to respond when a camper or counselor uses a slur like that."  We were in the midst of debriefing a series of...

The Four C's of a Great Summer Camp

At its best, summer camp is a silly, spirited place. A place where the group who cooks the best outdoor meal wins a metal spoon that has been spray-painted gold (the golden spoon! ooooh, aaaaah);...

Before You Quit: How to Get the Most Out of Your Summer at Camp

I had just finished running a marathon and had flopped onto the grass to rest. I was so tired that I hadn’t registered that the tired runner sitting next to me was a former camp counselor. He had...

Developing Social-Emotional Learning Skills at Camp

Welcome to summer camp, potentially the most rewarding job you’ll ever have! At camp, we are able to simultaneously help kids grow, make genuine connections with campers and fellow staff, and role...

Embracing Differences: Forging Intentionally Inclusive and Diverse Communities

“Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.” –James Baldwin Here’s the truth: we were all raised differently — even those of us who share similar...

A Time to Talk: Communicating with Campers

When I was a young, first-year staff member at camp, two orientation speakers left me with distinct lessons that have carried me through forty more years in camping. The first was a recommendation...