Showing: 41-50 of 1396 results

Gearing Up for Summer: What to Pack

Before summer starts, make sure your camper is geared up — literally! — for all the fun activities at camp. Here are some tips when it comes to packing: Pack Light — Remember...

Break the Ice!

Campers (especially first-timers) will be counting on you to make your group’s “getting to know each other” process fun and meaningful. As the group leader, it’s important for...

I Believe In Camp

People in the News – What They Are Saying About Camp Richard Louv author of Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children From Nature-Deficit Disorder Young people — the...

Camp: An Unbeatable Summer Learning Experience!

Summer Learning Day is Friday, June 21, 2013! Sponsored by the National Summer Learning Association (NSLA), Summer Learning Day...

Taking Care of YOU

Making sure your campers are safe, healthy, and having fun all summer long is your main goal. To do that, you need to take care of yourself! Here on the Counselor Blog, we want you to have...

Join the Backyard Campout

ACA recently teamed up with the National Wildlife Federation (NWF) in an effort to keep getting more kids outdoors, reaping the benefits of nature experiences. Camp is one of the best places for kids...

Nurture Creativity at Camp

Guest post by Ann Sheets In his closing keynote speech at the 2013 ACA National Conference in February, Dr. Gary Krahn spoke about children's creativity. He reported that during the...

The Power of Kindness

Guest post by Audrey Monke “Being considerate of others will take your children further in life than any college degree.” —Marian Wright Edelman In our cut-throat, competitive culture...

The Importance of Camp Friendships

Kids come home from camp with lots of stories — games they played, meals they ate, and, most importantly, friendships they formed. Often times, the relationships formed at camp have a lifelong impact...

Why Kids Need Camp Role Models

One of the greatest treasures of a camp experience is the bond formed between campers and their counselors. Not only do campers receive a bounty of fun times and memories with their favorite...