Showing: 21-30 of 42 results

A Camp for Every Child - Near or Far?

Where do you want your child to go to camp? Locally or far away? While each camp experience has something to offer your child, this is an opportunity to assess what you value for your camper. Near...

A Camp for Every Child — Short or Long Session?

How long do you want your child to remain at camp? Short Sessions (One-Three Weeks) Means First-time or younger campers have a chance to learn new skills Bonds develop with other campers...

A Camp for Every Child - Girls Only, Boys Only, or Co-ed?

Now may be the opportunity to explore this choice with your camper. Single-Sex Camp Means Breaking gender stereotypes — girls interact with women in positions of authority and boys interact...

A Camp for Every Child - Traditional, Specialty, and Special Needs?

Understanding the strengths in camp focus may help you make your choice. Traditional Means Wide variety of activities Chance for campers to try new activities Exposure to more campers...

Resources and Highlights

Expert Advice Discover what the experts are saying about the value of camp.   Videos for Parents The...

How to Choose a Camp: Preparing For Camp

Camp Is For Everyone Today, there are camps to meet every interest, price range, and schedule. Knowing your options, as well as your child's personality, will help you identify programs from which...

How to Choose a Camp: Homesickness

How to Prevent Helping with Homesickness What is it? Homesickness is, above all, a normal feeling. It is the natural result of separating from home and loved...

Articles Available for Press Reprint

Reprint permission for any of these articles can be obtained by contacting Kaley Amonett, ACA's Editorial Communications Manager. Please...

Press: Camp Trends

Trends in camp are responding to the world's realities. Camps have developed fluid structures that are nimble and that can respond to emerging issues. They provide an image of shared values and...

Camp Trends: Specialty Camps

Camps are designed in a variety of styles and formats and provide activities that vary to meet many interests. Most camps offer a general program of outdoor activities of hiking, swimming, sports and...