Showing: 31-40 of 51 results

Camp Trends: Enrollment

Enrollment continues to rise Each summer more than 26 million children and adults take advantage of the camp experience. In a 2016 Camper Enrollment Survey, approximately 80% of responding camps...

Camp Trends: Tuition

Updated 7/26/18 The bottom line about camp costs is that there's a camp for just about every budget. Fees to attend camp can vary. Resident camp tuition averages can be...

Press: How to Choose a Camp

Safety Tips Preparing For Camp Homesickness Camp is not just recreation and fun. It is more than teaching...

How to Choose a Camp: Safety Tips

Accreditation ACA Accreditation assures parents that the camp has had a regular, independent safety audit that goes beyond regulations in most states. Accreditation is different than...

Maintaining Accreditation

This page provides tools and resources to help you and your camp maintain ACA Accreditation.

Visit Assignment Tools & Resources

Here is information, tools, and resources to help best prepare yourself for any assigned accreditation visits.

2022–2024 Camp-School Partnership Demonstration Project

The Camp-School Partnership Demonstration Project is a collaboration between the National Summer Learning Association (NSLA) and the American Camp Association (ACA), which are 501(c)(3) national...

Participants of the Camp-School Partnership Demonstration Project

We are so excited to have 13 great programs participating in the 2022-2024 project.

Volunteer in Your Local Area

The personal benefits of volunteering go well beyond the emotional boost of “giving back.”

ACA, Ohio Local Council of Leaders

LCOL Chair David Faulstich ​Volunteer Development Chair Marci Hasty YMCA of Central Ohio North YMCA Professional Development Co-Chair...