Showing: 11-17 of 17 results

Camp Trends: Year-Round Camps

While still a debate in many communities, according to the National Center for Education Statistics,...

Camp Trends: Enrollment

Enrollment continues to rise Each summer more than 26 million children and adults take advantage of the camp experience. In a 2016 Camper Enrollment Survey, approximately 80% of responding camps...

Camp Trends: Tuition

Updated 7/26/18 The bottom line about camp costs is that there's a camp for just about every budget. Fees to attend camp can vary. Resident camp tuition averages can be...

Press: How to Choose a Camp

Safety Tips Preparing For Camp Homesickness Camp is not just recreation and fun. It is more than teaching...

How to Choose a Camp: Safety Tips

Accreditation ACA Accreditation assures parents that the camp has had a regular, independent safety audit that goes beyond regulations in most states. Accreditation is different than...

Testimonials on the Value of Camp Cultural Exchange Programs

Camp has always been a unique developmental environment that weaves global citizenship with other outcomes such as critical thinking skills, leadership, and character development. And now more...


Currently in 15 pilot camps, CampWell is a six-hour skills-based, in-person, multitiered, training course that guides participants to identify, understand, cultivate, and create a community of...