Showing: 21-30 of 185 results

ADA Title III: Access to Recreation Programs for People with Disabilities — What Does it Mean For Me? . . . An Update

©2006 Catherine Hansen-Stamp and Charles R. Gregg* A teen who is deaf and her parents e-mail an application, seeking admission into a summer adventure camp. There are only a few weeks before the...

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Issues Camp Providers Face When Providing Family Camp Programs

Family camps have become increasingly prevalent over the past several years. The number of camps offering family programs has exploded since the early 90s; reports of increases in family camps range...

Transgender Youth — The Role Camps Might Play

You may be asking yourself, "What does a discussion about transgender individuals have to do with me? Why am I reading this in Camping Magazine?" We've had the conversation about the LGBTQ community...

Out and About: Creating a Safe Environment for LGBTQ Campers and Staff

It was June 2006. I had been conducting staff training at a coed camp in the Northeast. I had already spoken to the entire staff about the “real work” of camp, which I see as helping campers use the...

A Return to Tolerance

The scuffle was over almost as quickly as it started. The boys were playing a team game, and, as is common with nine-year-old boys, there was a disagreement about the rules. An argument quickly...

Do You Want To . . . Hey, Look Over There! Strategies for Working with Children Who Have Attention Deficits

There are opportunities to teach every child better self-control. Of course, being spontaneous — even a little out of control — is fun. It’s just that learning to listen, concentrate, and sustain...

Summer Residential Camps: Promoting Social Interaction and Self-Efficacy Among Young Adults With Special Needs

Social skills and self-efficacy are fundamental processes and necessary for individuals in everyday life. Seeking employment, living independently, making friends, and trying new activities all...

Senior Citizens in Day and Residential Camping

Camp professionals know that camp is a positive and beneficial experience for everyone. All too often, when speaking of camp and the benefits of camp, the senior community is overlooked. Camp is not...

Learning Disabilities in Campers

How often do you see the following examples occur in campers? Kenny, a bright ten-year-old, focuses his attention on the counselor's directions during an activity. He appears attentive, but always...

Toward an Understanding of ADHD: A Developmental Delay in Self-control

Josh can't keep his hands to himself when waiting in line. Seth seems to act irresponsibly. Megan never completes an arts and crafts project. These campers' behaviors may have a common link -...