Showing: 1-10 of 69 results

Horseback Riding Program Resources/Instructor Certifications

The following organizations provide training and certification for horseback riding programs. Contact information and course titles are provided for your convenience. If you have a question about an...

Adventure/Challenge Program Resources

The following organizations provide training and certification for challenge/adventure course supervisors and staff.

ACA Public Policy - Legislative Information and Advocacy

In order to move forward the mission and public policy agenda of ACA, the public policy team is working on a number of initiatives related to federal laws and regulations.

Regulatory Information and Advocacy

The majority of laws and regulations that are applicable to camps are governed by state and local entities. However, there are a number of federal regulations that do apply.

Issues - Education and Information

Child Safety and Protection Children and Nutrition - Summer Food Service Program of the USDA...

ACA's Public Policy Collaborators

The American Camp Association partners with other organizations with a complementary mission to move forward our public policy agenda.

Health Care Reform - Impact on Camps as Employers

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act (HCERA) were signed into law in 2009 and 2010 respectively. Included in these new “health...

Resources by Sections of the Standards

ACA is committed to providing resources to assist in your accreditation visit planning and preparation. These resources include tip sheets, charts, standards-at-a-glance, links to relevant ACA...

Public Policy

As an educational nonprofit association, the American Camp Association is dedicated to providing quality, reliable, and up-to-date information about the laws and regulations and other public policy...

Accreditation Learning & Resources

Earning and maintaining ACA accreditation takes time and commitment.  ACA has many resources available to help you through this process including the web-based tool, the Accreditation Portal,...