Showing: 41-50 of 894 results

In the Trenches: Camper Behavior — Growth without Shame

During the summer, I have many opportunities to see and discuss camper behavior at the several camps I visit during the season. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly even some well-educated,...

A Place to Share: Conservation Easement — A Solution for Green River Preserve

The story of the summer camp called Green River Preserve and its conservation easement actually starts with my father’s service in WWII. Dad fought in the infantry in both Africa and Europe. He was...

Girls and Camp: Fostering Community, Causes, and Confidence

I spent the first 12 years of my life in a sleepy, rural town in the northeast corner of Connecticut. With both of my parents working full-time, my summer mornings began near dawn as I filled up my...

Capture the Magic for Middle School Campers

When the recent "Great Recession" hit in 2008, it changed the attitudes and enrollment behaviors of many camps' clientele. But around that same time came another defining moment that has changed how...

Wise Use of Time Off

Last Night Phil Bader did everything wrong on his last night off except give his keys to a sober colleague. He’d left camp ten minutes early, bought alcohol with a fake ID, indulged in binge...

Where Camp Happens

When was the first time you really felt camp? Whether you are a longtime camp person or this is your f irst summer, chances are that the answer to that question is (or will be) intangible,...

Counselor Judgment: Campers’ Lives Depend on It!

The title of this article, “Counselor Judgment — Campers’ Lives Depend on It!” is not in any way written to be frightening to a new counselor, but quite honestly, it is very much written to make the...

Change Agents: Social Entrepreneurship and the Summer Camp Experience

Lessons on leadership abound in the summer camp environment. And as we know, leaders come in all shapes and sizes. Some are loud; some are quiet. One is bold; another cautious. Many seek to lead...

Scared or Prepared?

For campers to have a successful experience we must prepare them for the unknown, build their confidence, and give them the tools needed to succeed in our camp's environment. As camps will always...

WOW Your Campers’ Parents

“Hey, wazzup?” is a perfectly good greeting when meeting one of the counselors you’ll be working with this summer for the first time. But what will you say when you meet your campers’ parents?...