Showing: 1-10 of 136 results

Partnerships to Increase Equity and Inclusivity

Camp-School Partnerships are a promising intervention to increase access to high-quality summer programs for youth at under-resourced public and charter schools. In this webinar, we examine what...

School Comes to Camp: A New Era in Funding Camp/School Partnerships

Think camp!  Think academics surrounded with the enrichment experiences camps traditionally provide. Add in the social emotional learning skills camps reinforce.  The result is a community...

ACA, Wisconsin EPIC Summer Debrief

WI EPIC Summer Debrief Call Join other Emerging Professionals in Camping (EPIC) for an end of summer debrief. Share your successes and learning curves of your summer season and build...

ACA Press Room

If we may help you with a story, arrange an interview with an ACA spokesperson, or provide access to an article reprint, photo, or public service announcement, please contact Public Relations at pr@...

National Military Family Association - Operation Purple Camps

Bully Proof Your Camp - Gan Israel

So many incidences of mean behavior, (and sometimes even bullying) occur at camp. Time is less structured than at school and counselors are young and don't necessarily have the tools to notice or...

New Poll Reveals 30 Million Youth in Summer Opportunities, But Cost Remains a Major Barrier

New legislation, Summer for All Act, aims to bridge the summer learning equity gap.

Building Successful Camp-School Partnerships

A multi-part study on camp-school partnerships that explores their impact and outlines recommendations for successful collaborations nationwide.

2022–2024 Camp-School Partnership Demonstration Project

The Camp-School Partnership Demonstration Project is a collaboration between the National Summer Learning Association (NSLA) and the American Camp Association (ACA), which are 501(c)(3) national...

Bullying: What It Is, What It Isn’t, What To Do, and What Not To

Question: What are the chances that a bully will be among the group of campers you are responsible for this summer? Answer: Zero. Sorry, this is a trick question. Bullying is a behavior, not an...