Showing: 21-30 of 127 results

Interrupting Isms: What to Do if Campers Say or Do Something "-Ist"

This resource offers advice to summer camp counselors who need to deal with campers saying something "-ist."

Expanding the Impact of Camp: From Individual Lives to Societal Change

This article is part of Camping Magazine’s series on inclusion, identifying and exploring both big picture and on-the-ground actionable pathways for application through participant...

Programming for Social Justice with Campers

How do camps incorporate social justice into their programming for campers? Five passionate, experienced, and insightful camp administrators took their time to share their camps' approaches to this...

National Military Family Association - Operation Purple Camps

Serving Our Nation's Young Heroes - How Camp Is Impacting the Lives of Military Children

Since September 11, the world in which American military children grow up has changed dramatically due to unprecedented levels of deployment and the increased reliance on Reserve and National Guard...

Foundations for Brighter Tomorrows

Each year, ACA’s Eleanor P. Eells Award for Program Excellence recognizes camps that embody the award’s namesake by creating exceptional programming and developing effective, creative responses to...

Bully Proof Your Camp - Gan Israel

So many incidences of mean behavior, (and sometimes even bullying) occur at camp. Time is less structured than at school and counselors are young and don't necessarily have the tools to notice or...

Social Justice Series: Recognizing Microaggressions at Camp

Summer camp is supposed to be a place where kids make lifelong friendships, explore new ideas, and build up their self-confidence in a supportive environment removed from the pressures of everyday...

A Lot of Courage Is Needed

An interview with Nick Teich, founder and CEO of Camp Aranu’tiq. Camp Aranu'tiq of Harbor Camps is a nonprofit program serving transgender and gender-variant youth and their families. Camp Aranu...

Accreditation Process Workshop-Online

This self-guided online course is designed to provide an overview of the ACA Accreditation Process. This page will guide you to the registration for the course, but it is not date-dependent....