Maintaining AccreditationThis page provides tools and resources to help you and your camp maintain ACA Accreditation.
Camp Trends: EnrollmentEnrollment continues to rise Each summer more than 26 million children and adults take advantage of the camp experience. In a 2016 Camper Enrollment Survey, approximately 80% of responding camps...
Timeline for On-Site VisitsLearn about the important due dates, requirements and estimated time investment to prepare for an on-site visit through maintaining your accreditation.
Ready. Set. Go.Are you considering going through the accreditation process but unsure what the process really is? This webinar will help you understand more about what it takes, including how much time you’ll need...
American Camp Association Partners on Child Abuse Prevention InitiativeThe Five Days of Action initiative empowers organizations to protect children from sexual abuse. Martinsville, Indiana — (April 11, 2022) — The American Camp...
Camps Preparing for an On-Site VisitUse the helpful resources below to guide your visit preparation.
How Do You Spur Culture Change at Camp?If you’re noticing something that could use a change, there’s a good chance that others are too.
Key Takeaways from the CampCounts 2021 ReportACA's annual business survey, CampCounts, is back with new findings and trends from 2021!
ACA Accreditation: Key Messages for ParentsSpecial Note: When referring to your ACA-Accredited® camp status in brochures, letters and video tapes, please use the following copy to describe accreditation: Fun And Safety — ACA...
Closer Look VideosOn-demand video library breaking down different topics of standards to explore the meaning, context and gain helpful hints to build your standards knowledge and confidence.