Showing: 21-30 of 65 results

ACA Accreditation: Key Messages for the Media

Incorporate these messages everywhere you can – on the phone, in camp tours, camp fairs, in all print literature, videos, website – everywhere! The Value of ACA Accreditation ACA...

ACA Accreditation: Key Messages for Parents

Special Note: When referring to your ACA-Accredited® camp status in brochures, letters and video tapes, please use the following copy to describe accreditation: Fun And Safety — ACA...

Accreditation Announcement Letter

As a benefit to members, ACA provides sample letters and news releases.

Your Accreditation Status - Fun and Safety

ACA Camps Set the Standards Prestige Parents nationwide recognize the importance of ACA accreditation when choosing a camp for their child, and they expect you to reach far...

Big R, Little r; Big A, Little a

With ACA’s new strategic focus on accreditation and research comes the need to evolve our practices and services at a national level. In order to accomplish these important tasks, two special task...

Operational Change to ACA Accreditation

After evaluation of the implementation of the Operational Change that occurred in nine of the twenty-three local areas in ACA in 2016, it was determined that all additional local areas will be...

Annual Accreditation Report (AAR)

The Annual Accreditation Report is an educational tool and annual non-visit year touchpoint that focuses on camps' on-going improvement of their policies, procedures, and practices.

Risk Management and Insurance: Vehicle Risks

Camp vehicle risks are among the scariest for camp owners, directors/risk managers, and insurance company underwriters because the risks to which camp vehicles are exposed are not entirely within...

Tips for Lyme Disease Prevention at Camp

As staffers, parents and kids prepare for another memorable summer at camp, there is one important detail that must not escape our attention - doing everything possible to ensure that children are...

Statement of Compliance

American Camp Association Accreditation describes the operations of the programs and services by an owner/director. This may be sought by a camp operating on its own property, on the property...