Building Safe Spaces for Campers and Staff, Abuse PreventionWhether you are a Camp Director, Educator, Aquatic Staff or Camp Counselor, this webinar will provide you with valuable resources and actionable insights for building a safer summer. You will have...
Camp Crisis HotlineThe Hotline serves as a resource for camps in crisis and provides callers the opportunity to talk through their crisis with a trained third-party.
Ensuring Safety in Rental Programs: Key Steps for Effective Abuse PreventionThe fall season brings on different types of programming for camps across the country. You may begin hosting rental groups or families at your facilities. When operating these programs, it is...
Bully Proof Your Camp - Gan IsraelSo many incidences of mean behavior, (and sometimes even bullying) occur at camp. Time is less structured than at school and counselors are young and don't necessarily have the tools to notice or...
Are Your Vehicles and Drivers Rolling Safely This Season?The summer camping season is upon us! Welcoming user groups, families, and campers to join you for a one-of-a-kind experience of fun, camaraderie, and personal growth takes considerable preparation...
Bullying: What It Is, What It Isn’t, What To Do, and What Not ToQuestion: What are the chances that a bully will be among the group of campers you are responsible for this summer? Answer: Zero. Sorry, this is a trick question. Bullying is a behavior, not an...
Setting Up Your Drivers for Success This SummerThe transportation of kids, equipment, and supplies at camp plays a large role in the success of camp each summer. Going on field trips and participating in other off-site activities contributes to...
CampWire Episode 58: All About Camp-School PartnershipsCamps can be powerful community partners in the education of our children. A camp-school partnership can be exciting, innovative, and satisfying, but they also take insight, creativity, and...
April Is National Child Abuse Prevention MonthJoin ACA and thousands of youth-serving organizations across the country in taking a stand to prevent sexual abuse of the children we care for and serve.
Staff and Camper Codes of Conduct: A Powerful Defense against AbuseFor too long, the topic of child sexual abuse prevention at camp — and other youth-serving organizations — was focused too narrowly on keeping abusers out. Whether it was through criminal background...