National Military Family Association - Operation Purple Camps
Understanding Cultural Differences: Tips for Working with International Staff and CampersAs the United States population becomes more diverse and camps employ more international staff, the issue of communicating and interacting effectively with people from other cultures becomes more...
Welcoming International Counselors Could Boost Campership in Marginalized and Immigrant CommunitiesWhen I attend ACA conferences (which I do as a US Department of State Designated J-1 Sponsor for the Summer Camp Counselor Exchange Visitor Program), I make a point to attend sessions that include...
Sponsorship Opportunities at the 2025 National ConferenceExtend your brand identity and marketing capabilities with a strong, visible presence at the ACA national conference. Let ACA customize a unique sponsorship package for you.
Spanish-Speaking Camp ProfessionalsThis group seeks to inspire, equip, and support Spanish-speaking camp professionals around the country.
New Poll Reveals 30 Million Youth in Summer Opportunities, But Cost Remains a Major BarrierNew legislation, Summer for All Act, aims to bridge the summer learning equity gap.
Building Successful Camp-School PartnershipsA multi-part study on camp-school partnerships that explores their impact and outlines recommendations for successful collaborations nationwide.
2022–2024 Camp-School Partnership Demonstration ProjectThe Camp-School Partnership Demonstration Project is a collaboration between the National Summer Learning Association (NSLA) and the American Camp Association (ACA), which are 501(c)(3) national...
Summer Learning ResourcesCamps and other youth development programs provide the opportunity to reduce summer learning loss in an expanded learning environment where children are engaged experientially and have an opportunity...
CampWire Episode 58: All About Camp-School PartnershipsCamps can be powerful community partners in the education of our children. A camp-school partnership can be exciting, innovative, and satisfying, but they also take insight, creativity, and...