Showing: 51-60 of 99 results

Camp Trends: Enrollment

Enrollment continues to rise Each summer more than 26 million children and adults take advantage of the camp experience. In a 2016 Camper Enrollment Survey, approximately 80% of responding camps...

Camp Trends: Tuition

Updated 7/26/18 The bottom line about camp costs is that there's a camp for just about every budget. Fees to attend camp can vary. Resident camp tuition averages can be...

Press: How to Choose a Camp

Safety Tips Preparing For Camp Homesickness Camp is not just recreation and fun. It is more than teaching...

How to Choose a Camp: Safety Tips

Accreditation ACA Accreditation assures parents that the camp has had a regular, independent safety audit that goes beyond regulations in most states. Accreditation is different than...

The Americans with Disabilities Act Revisited

I. Introduction  On the 25th Anniversary of the enactment of the Americans with Disabilities Act (the ADA or the Act), we have been asked to refresh our latest article for The CampLine on...

Inclusive Outdoor Programs Benefit Youth

Inclusion for persons with disabilities is rapidly occurring in all areas of living - school, work, and recreation. However, until recently, not much was known about inclusionary practices and their...

Research 360: Research vs Evaluation

Greetings from the ACA Research Team!  As you might have heard, ACA has identified research as...

Camp El Tesoro de la Vida: A Camp Experience for Bereaved Children

The death of a loved one is a reality that each of us must face at some point. The experience of a loss invokes a myriad of feelings for adults and children alike. Some will maintain the belief that...

How Special Needs Camping Has Impacted the Camp Experience

"Camping is an activity that has been embraced by humanity because it's fun and it brings people, especially families, together," said Dr. Tom Zellers, a professor of pediatric cardiology at UT...

Camp for All: A Special Place for Special People

"Dear Mom and Dad, I’m having a great time at camp," writes twelve-year-old Michael. "Today, I rode a horse for the first time. I thought it would be scary, but it was loads of fun. Tonight I’m going...