Showing: 1-10 of 57 results

American Red Cross

In order to meet several of the American Camp Association standards, certification in CPR/AED, first aid, or lifeguarding is required. To assist ACA-accredited camps in meeting these standards, ACA...

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

As part of FEMA’s ongoing catastrophic planning efforts to expand national sheltering, feeding and evacuation capacity for up to 1.75 million disaster survivors, FEMA is developing agreements with...


ACA enjoys collaborative efforts with many organizations, institutions, universities, and foundations.  A sampling of current collaborative efforts appears here. For groups interested in...

Camp-Related Organizations

  ACA Organizations and Kindreds Camps on Campus  Faith-based Camp Professionals Kindred  ...


ACA is pleased to partner with Chaco for the tenth consecutive year. Chaco will support ACA the national conference, Camping Magazine, and the ACA annual fund.

Research Reports, Summaries, Data, and Maps

All the data from all the research.

Designing Your Programs to Best Enhance the Camp Experience

Top Tips for Camps Intentionally select program activities that provide one or more of the youth-development supports (supportive relationships, safety, youth involvement, skill building)....

Designing Quality Youth Programs

If you believe your program offers a quality experience for your participants but also think doing even better is ideal, this course is for you. Designing Quality Youth Programs takes you through an...

Camp Evaluation Capacity — It's About Quality

Hi everyone!  Thanks for joining us as we dive a little deeper into the Research 360 circle; specifically, the part of the circle we are calling "local camps'...

Research 360: Research vs Evaluation

Greetings from the ACA Research Team!  As you might have heard, ACA has identified research as...