Become an Accreditation VolunteerAccreditation Volunteers are the heart and soul of the ACA accreditation program! Without them, we would be unable to implement the accreditation program. Please review the qualifications and...
The Power That Music Has on Camp Guests with DisabilitiesThere are numerous benefits to incorporating outdoor music into camp itineraries, especially for guests with disabilities
Inclusive Camp: Making Summer Camp a Joyful Place for EveryoneSummer camp is a sacred community which, as a rule, has always been willing to find common ground in respecting and accommodating individual values and needs. The values and needs of campers with...
The Power of Engaging Diversity by Hiring International Exchange VisitorsThe world has 206 sovereign states — are you maximizing the opportunities for diversity at your camp?
Criminal Background Checks - Issues and Resources for CampsACA believes that camps should utilize multifaceted screening and hiring programs and support practices appropriate to the clientele, staffing, supervision, and program consideration of each camp.
The Crucial Role of Infectious Disease Testing in Protecting the ImmunocompromisedInfectious diseases pose a significant threat to individuals with weakened immune systems, known as the immunocompromised. Whether they are undergoing chemotherapy, organ transplantation, or living...
Are You ADA-Compliant?How do these laws apply to the camp industry?
Summer Camps Abuse Prevention ProgramASAP's abuse-prevention program is being used to ensure healthly physical and behavorial interactions and safety. It includes a Director's Guide, screening protocol, staff training - animated...
Building Connection through a Box: Joy, DeliveredDuring the past few years, camps worked hard to find new ways to connect with campers. Some camps offered virtual meet-ups, video tours of camp, or online activity tutorials. Many virtual camp...
International Staff - Best Practices for J-1 ParticipantsGet information about BridgeUSA J-1 Visa Camp Counselor and Summer Work Travel Programs, as well best practices and resources for international camp staff and camp cultural exchange.