Showing: 1-10 of 32 results

Electronic Medical Records in the Camp Setting: HIPAA Considerations

One of the pervasive considerations with electronic medical records (EMR) is protecting the privacy of the individual. People seem to get very nervous about security issues with electronic records,...

Creating the Connection Between University Education Programs and Summer Camp

In Beach Lake, Pennsylvania, at a large residential summer camp, over one hundred male counselors pack the air-conditioned canteen on July 1. It is late as the off-duty counselors watch the re-run of...

Ten Ways to Make Great Use of Your Summer Photos

Remember all of those amazing photos you took last summer? Now is the time to put them to good use. If you took thousands of photos, or even if you only took a few hundred, the first step in making...

Welcome to the Digital Cabin: How New Technologies Can Deliver a Better Summer Experience

Technology and camping? Hearing those two words together often sparks ire among camp management. “We don’t allow our kids to use techie toys!” you declare. Of course, unless you run a computer camp,...

Five Low-Cost Tech Tools That Further Your Mission

Camp operates as a business, when we all know it is more. In order to focus on what matters at camp, it is crucial that camp operations run without friction. That means adopting the best business...

Smashing Graham Crackers and Launching Rockets to Space: Opportunities Provided by ACA

The University of Utah, like many universities across the country, takes an active interest in promoting STEM fields to K–12 students.  With the explosion of STEM learning programs, it can be...

Camps on Campus — Safeguarding Youth Programming in Higher Education Settings

If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change. — Wayne Dyer College students aren’t the first population that comes to mind when thinking about traditional summer...

Investing in Your Camp's Success: Top Ten Banking Products and Services Important for Camps

The products, services, and relationships provided by your bank have a direct impact on your camp’s overall financial success. The needs of each camp are as diverse as the camp industry itself. Your...

The Impact of Technology and Social Media on Camp Staff

Miles is a first-time counselor at a sleepaway camp in the eastern United States. He had seen an online ad for the camp at which I met him and decided that a summer away from his Midwest town working...

Challenges of a "Wired Parent" Raising a "Wired Kid"

Hello Camp Parents! My name is Missy and I am the database administrator for ACA. In this role, I work with a number of our teams to manage information related to the association’s members. But I am...