Showing: 1-10 of 90 results

Critical Things Staff Need to Know about Bullying Prevention

Bullying is here to stay in summer camp and this course is designed to help you be prepared and ready to act this summer as well as between the seasons. Bullying can happen in 4 ways: physical,...

Entry-Level Program Staff Certificate

Want to work with young people in a camp, afterschool, summer enrichment programs, or other community-based youth settings but lack experience?

Bed Bugs - What Every Camp Needs to Know

Every year, the American Camp Association Camp Crisis Hotline receives calls from camps that have questions about bed bugs.

Camps as Evacuation or Temporary Housing Centers

Camps may be called upon by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) — or another government agency or community organization — to serve as evacuation centers.

Camps & Programs Outside the U.S.

Be a part of the largest camp professionals’ community. Connect with camps in the U.S. and around the world. If you are starting a camp, looking for education and training, seeking a connection with...

The Farm-to-Campfire Experience

Guest post by Diana K. Rice, RD As a registered dietitian and staff member of The Kids Cook Monday, I’ve seen firsthand how efforts to...

Certificates & Endorsements

ACA’s Staff Training Certificate Courses are more than just online training! These intensive online courses are self-directed learning opportunities that help build the added qualifications...

Directory of Colleges and Universities

ACA's directory helps match learners to formal educational opportunities at both undergraduate and graduate levels.

West Nile Virus - What Every Camp Needs to Know

West Nile virus (WNV) is a potentially serious illness. Here are some tips and resources for camps.

ACA Staff Training — Certificates of Added Qualifications

ACA’s Staff Training – Certificate Courses of Added Qualifications are more than just online training! These intensive online courses are self-directed learning opportunities that help...