Showing: 1-10 of 42 results

Briefing Paper - Injury and Illness in Camps

Healthy Camp Study Impact Report

Healthy Camp Toolbox

The "Toolbox" provides a variety of resources for addressing health, safety, & mental health issues in camps.

Does Your Camp Reinforce, Resist, or Relieve Gender Stereotypes?

Can you believe that sexist practices and beliefs remain entrenched in camps, even in this day and age? Although we have made great strides over the last decade to eradicate overtly sexist behaviors...

Healthy Camps: The Quest Continues through Technology and Professional Development

Strong interest in promoting the concept of a healthy camp continues. Supported by data from ACA’s five-year Healthy Camps Study from 2006 through 2010, improved understanding about camp injuries and...

Selecting Camp Healthcare Technologies

Considerations in the selection of camp healthcare technologies.

Ten Ways to Reduce Injuries and Illnesses in Camp

When it comes to providing safe experiences for children, knowledge is often the most powerful tool an organization possesses. Knowledge about safe conditions and practices and the ability to...

The Crisis Communications Handbook Templates and Sample Forms and Letters

Take control of a crisis at your camp with a proven communications system. Take Control: Be prepared for nearly any camp crisis with a strong, comprehensive communications system that...

Alliance for Camp Health

Formerly the Association of Camp Nursing.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)