Showing: 11-20 of 23 results

Fundraising for Camps

ACA Fundraising Toolkit Fundraising Resources Fundraising for Nonprofit Camps in Uncertain...

Summer Camps Abuse Prevention Program

ASAP's abuse-prevention program is being used to ensure healthly physical and behavorial interactions and safety.  It includes a Director's Guide, screening protocol, staff training - animated...

Building an Army of Asking Ants!

Ant colonies have been used throughout history as models of industry. As a collective, ants are efficient, surprisingly intelligent, and are among the very few animals that organize themselves to...

Courage, Not Comfort! Part II

I am back with Part 2 of our conversation about fund-raising — although I am sure some of you were hoping I would forget! Not a chance. Now we get to the fun part, the rewarding part, and, of course...

Building an Army of Asking Ants

Ant colonies have been used throughout history as models of industry. As a collective, ants are efficient, surprisingly intelligent, and are among the very few animals that organize themselves to...


It's ironic that I've spent this fall encouraging Americans to advocate for the White House not to drastically reduce or eliminate J-1 visas for camp cultural exchange programs while also keynoting...

Courage, Not Comfort! Diving in to Camp Fund-Raising

This article is the first in a two-part series on fund-raising, and to learn even more about this subject, be sure to attend Ann Sheets and Posie Taylor’s session, The Development Doctors Are In...

Where Can We Find the Money?

I really want a new (insert here: archery range, campership fund, pirate ship for the waterfront). My (insert here: camper fees, organization's budget, personal bank account) does not support this....

20/20 Toolbox: Scholarship, Fundraising, and Outreach Strategies for All Camps

As camp operators, we are keenly aware that when kids go to camp, they make positive gains in self-reliance, independence, communication, and self-esteem. Unplugged from the constant electronic buzz...

20/20 Toolbox: The American Camp Association as Your Camp’s Nonprofit Partner

For many camps, the benefits of partnering with an existing nonprofit for the purpose of scholarship fundraising far outweigh the extensive challenges of starting their own nonprofit. If your camp is...