School Comes to Camp: A New Era in Funding Camp/School PartnershipsThink camp! Think academics surrounded with the enrichment experiences camps traditionally provide. Add in the social emotional learning skills camps reinforce. The result is a community...
Expanding the Reach of Camp through SchoolsMy oldest child, Jane, once said she wished camp could be all year. Naturally, I asked her why, and she said, “We get to do everything at camp — when we hike in the woods, the camp staff tells...
Creating the Connection Between University Education Programs and Summer CampIn Beach Lake, Pennsylvania, at a large residential summer camp, over one hundred male counselors pack the air-conditioned canteen on July 1. It is late as the off-duty counselors watch the re-run of...
Camp-School Partnerships Guidebook
Public Lands Use - Resources for CampsUse of public lands and waters is essential for many camp programs. It is estimated that at least 9 percent of all camps use public lands and waters for at least a portion of their...
Year-Round Education of Children and YouthAmerican Camp Association Position and Resources Understand the importance of the connection with nature Children and Nature Create positive relationships...
National Military Family Association - Operation Purple Camps
Camps and Operation Purple for Military FamiliesAs funding has been cut to support the children of military families, the opportunities for your camp to support those children through the ...
The School-Camp Partnership: Working Together for a Brighter Future for Our StudentsLet’s face it; our collective national education system has some issues. Some might even say it needs a complete overhaul. Teachers are often overextended and under-funded, and the resources...