Showing: 1-5 of 5 results

Camp Robin Hood Goes Green

Situated on 180 breathtaking acres in the shadows of New Hampshire’s White Mountain National Forest, Camp Robin Hood (CRH) works hard to instill in campers, counselors, and staff alike kindness and a...

Green Camp Needs Assessment

When it comes to setting the standard for green buildings, the US Green Building Council (USGBC) is leading the way through its promotion of sustainability in the design, construction, and operations...

Putting Sustainability into Practice: Simple Strategies to Implement at Camp

Next to national, state, and municipal parks, camps manage some of our most important natural resources. Camp settings not only introduce children to natural resources, build their skills to recreate...

Public Lands Use - Resources for Camps

Use of public lands and waters is essential for many camp programs.  It is estimated that at least 9 percent of all camps use public lands and waters for at least a portion of their...

Radon Contamination - Regulations Applicable to Camps

Radon is the number one cause of lung cancer among nonsmokers and an important national public health issue.  If your camp has buildings, you should be familiar with the issues related to radon...