- Child Safety and Protection
- Children and Nutrition - Summer Food Service Program of the USDA
- Employment Issues for Camps and Youth Development Programs
- Child Protection Improvements Act - Criminal Background Checks
- Age Requirements for Lifeguards
- Health Insurance - laws impacting camps as employers
- International Staff Best Practices
- Fair Labor Standards Act — White Collar and Seasonal Exemptions
- Proposed Changes Fair Labor Standards Act regarding White Collar Exemptions
- Immigration - Visas & Social Security Cards for Internationals
- Social Security for International Staff
- Tax Incentives for Employers who Hire Veterans - VOW to Hire Heroes Act
- Health Care Reform
- Lead-based Paint Contamination - Environmental Protection Agency rules applicable to camps
- Medical Marijuana and Camps
- Military Families - How camps can support the children of military families
- Nonprofit Organizations and their tax status
- Pool and Spa Safety
- Public Lands and the Environment
- Public Lands - Resources for camps using public lands and waters
- National Parks Junior Ranger Program
- Radon Contamination - Regulations applicable to camps
- Records Retention - How long should we keep corporate documents?
- Taxes - American Taxpayer Relief Act: Impact on Camps as Small Businesses
- Transportation of Children
- Transportation of Children (Airlines, buses, vans, golf carts
- Year Round Education of Children and Youth