Gan Israel Bully-Proof Your Camp


Guest Presenter Mrs. Rivka Fishman

Core Competency

Youth Development

Type of Course

Partner Online Course



So many incidences of mean behavior, (and sometimes even bullying) occur at camp. Time is less structured than at school and counselors are young and don't necessarily have the tools to notice or handle incidents that may occur. Rivka Fishman is a bullyproofing coach and consultant and is the author of Sara the Bucket Filler, a children’s book that teaches kids to be kind and stay happy.  Rivka has spent over 10 summers working in Camp Gan Israels around the world and has adapted her popular workshop to be able to effectively train counselors to be able to help their campers stay happy and avoid bullying situations. Staff members who took this course last year reported that it helped them help their campers AND that it gave them skills to get along better with their fellow staff members.

For Girl HC and Staff