Aiding Your Economic Recovery – Reducing Food Costs in 2022 with ACA's GPO Partner, Trinity/HPSI

Core Competency
Type of Course
As camps are entering a phase of economic recovery, rising food costs are a significant consideration in 2022. This webinar is intended to highlight the group purchasing partnership of the ACA with Trinity/HPSI and will explain GPO programs specific to food vendors in the current market. Multiple vendors are offering reduced pricing to camps through negotiated agreements with Trinity/HPSI, and participation in these programs is 100% free. Please join us for this important discussion and register today!
Presenter Bios
Travis Claypool is the VP of Finance and Administration for Trinity/HPSI and works closely with food vendors across the country to help camps reduce their food costs.
Rich Lowry is the Director of Outreach and Communications for Trinity/HPSI and is frequently the point of contact for ACA camps at conferences.