Back to the Basics: Creating a Cohesive Staff Community

teenagers in a circle


Kim Aycock

Core Competency

Human Resources
Youth Development

Type of Course

Recorded Webinar


ACA member: $39
ACA nonmember: $74

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While this sounds so simple, why is it often so hard?  Community building is what camp is all about.  Yet, all of the ice-breakers and fun games in the world don’t guarantee that staff will be unified. Discover ways to create a cohesive staff community by looking at each subset of your staff group and their unique needs, providing opportunities to connect before camp begins, and fostering continued growth all throughout the season. It’s time to get back to the basics!

More Information

By the end of the webinar participant will learn: 

  1. Discover ways to create a cohesive staff community by looking at needs of various staff subsets 
  2. Learn ways to utilize opportunities to connect staff prior to summer 
  3. Develop a plan for staff to continue their growth as a community throughout the entire season 

Kim Aycock, MST, has 30+ years of experience blending the skills of a master teacher with the knowledge of a seasoned camp expert.  Kim presents with sensitivity, creativity, and enthusiasm and has the ability to connect with and motivate learners of all ages. She trains camp staff at all levels and speaks professionally at regional and national conferences.  Kim has the ability to connect with and motivate learners of all ages through her interactive and innovative presentations.   More information can be found on her website: 

Earn 1.0 CEC for this recorded webinar. More information on CECs can be found here.

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