Showing: 61-70 of 993 results

You're Not Alone — Even the President Gets "Kidsick"!

If you’re feeling the blues while your child is away at camp — or anticipating the day they leave for camp with a little sadness — you’re not alone. In fact, even President Obama feels this way about...

What Everybody Should Know about Risk Management

We all know we don’t operate at our best all the time. So what do we need to understand in order to manage that risk, especially at this time of year in the summer camp season?  Remember...

Back-to-School Camp Skills

For many families, it’s back-to-school time. So along with those camp friends and songs, encourage your camper-student to remember the skills he or she learned this summer. These skills are sure to...

What's Your Favorite Camp Song?

Songs are some of the best traditions at camp! Whether you sing at meal time, bedtime, campfire, or between activities, your campers enjoy having something that unites them as a group. And they love...

Your Child’s Camp Experience Benefits You, Too

In today’s world, parents can feel external pressure to make sure children are involved in the “right” activities, get into the “right” schools or classes, and —...

My Summer Camp Family

Thanks, Krista White, for sharing this summer story! Krista is a head counselor at Eagle's Nest Camp in Pisgah Forest, North Carolina. Send your summer memory to...

Healthier Camps, Healthier Kids

Health and safety at camp has always been a top priority for the American Camp Association (ACA). Recently, ACA's Healthy...

The Right to Play

What happens when children and youth are deprived of play? We view play as frivolous or fun — a waste of time. Yet, once again...

This Year, Give Fun and More!

Give the gift of camp! A quality camp experience is a real-life version of what kids want from video games and toys — fun, adventure, excitement — and so much more! Character and...

Building Grit at Camp

Each month, Peg will host a guest blogger here on A Word from Peg. This month's guest is Audrey Monke, owner and director of Gold Arrow Camp. "Camp has taught...