Showing: 11-20 of 30 results

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Camp

At the American Camp Association, we believe diversity, equity, and inclusion are at the heart of a thriving camp experience.

Timeline of ACA and Summer Camp

Join us as we take a look at the history of summer camp and the American Camp Association, celebrating the path set before us as we prepare for the next 100 years.

Find a Camp - Frequently Asked Questions

Adding or editing my camp Is there a cost to list my camp? No. ACA wants as many children as possible to have a camp experience, and we believe that the new Find a Camp will...

Promoting Your Camp - Recommended Language

Many camps like to promote their accreditation status and their relationship to ACA. We encourage you to do this. There are specific words we prefer you use and not use when describing your...

Multiculturalism in Camps and Youth Programs: How Us and Them Became Just Us

Culture affects our politics, relationships, how we spend and save our money, our leisure pursuits, what we eat and drink, our expectations for children, and how we approach work in our lives, to...

ACA Educational Endorsement Program - Information for Applicants

Benefits of ACA Educational Endorsement: Connects learners to YOU!; Increases your market reach with ACA's 9,000+ membership and 2,700 camps; and allows you to offer continuing...

Camps on Campus

This community is a unique group of camps and professionals who run and operate youth programs on college and university campuses and K-12 independent school auxiliary programs.

Digital Badges and Credentials

American Camp Association (ACA) provides digital badges issued through Accredible. These digital credentials allow our learners to present a rich and trustworthy record of their learning to anyone at...

CampDoc - Camps on Campus Partnership

CampDoc, as a Camps on Campus partner, works to improve the protection of minors on college and university campuses and K-12 school auxiliary programs.

Tips for Getting the Most from Your Course Credentials

The American Camp Association (ACA) has partnered with Accredible to provide our digital credentials not because Accredible digital credentials can be printed or saved as a PDF. We partnered with...