Showing: 31-40 of 43 results

How to Choose a Camp: Safety Tips

Accreditation ACA Accreditation assures parents that the camp has had a regular, independent safety audit that goes beyond regulations in most states. Accreditation is different than...

ACA Educational Endorsement Program - Information for Applicants

Benefits of ACA Educational Endorsement: Connects learners to YOU!; Increases your market reach with ACA's 9,000+ membership and 2,700 camps; and allows you to offer continuing...

#GivingTuesday — November 28

Our goals: 100 donors to celebrate our 100+ year history, gifts of $28 to honor #GivingTuesday on November 28, 2023, and 28 first-time...

Digital Badges and Credentials

American Camp Association (ACA) provides digital badges issued through Accredible. These digital credentials allow our learners to present a rich and trustworthy record of their learning to anyone at...

Tips for Getting the Most from Your Course Credentials

The American Camp Association (ACA) has partnered with Accredible to provide our digital credentials not because Accredible digital credentials can be printed or saved as a PDF. We partnered with...

Visit Assignment Tools & Resources

Here is information, tools, and resources to help best prepare yourself for any assigned accreditation visits.

New Director Orientation

The ACA New Director Orientation (NDO) is a course for seasonal or newer camp directors, assistant directors, program directors, and others moving into camp leadership positions. The course includes...

ACA Educational Endorsement Program

ACA's Educational Endorsement Program is a platform to connect learners to quality educational opportunities. Learners can access training opportunities offered by ACA and non-ACA providers vetted to...

ACA Government Relations Working to Support Camps

Like many industries, the US camp industry was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.  The American Camp Association (ACA) advocated at an unprecedented level during the pandemic to enact...

Camp Business Operations Research

Analyze camp industry trends through summaries of our annual business operations reports. We commission three reports on a rotating basis; the most recent findings are available in day, overnight,...