Showing: 1-10 of 128 results

American Red Cross

In order to meet several of the American Camp Association standards, certification in CPR/AED, first aid, or lifeguarding is required. To assist ACA-accredited camps in meeting these standards, ACA...

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

As part of FEMA’s ongoing catastrophic planning efforts to expand national sheltering, feeding and evacuation capacity for up to 1.75 million disaster survivors, FEMA is developing agreements with...

Not-for-Profit Council

The Not-for-Profit Council is an affiliate organization of the American Camp Association and operates with guidelines created by ACA to serve the special interests of the not-for-profit camp...

Faith-based Camps Professionals

Nurturing spiritual growth through the camp and retreat experience.

ACA Awards

Review ACA awards and nominate someone today!

Distinguished Service Award

The Distinguished Service Award is the highest honor afforded to members by ACA. For more information, please contact ACA at 765-342-8456 ext. 305...

National Honor Award

The American Camp Association presents Honor Awards to recognize meritorious service. Candidates must be current members of the association or former members who have retired from active...

Hedley S. Dimock Award

Submit a Nomination Nominate online Purpose The Hedley S. Dimock Award is given to one who...

National Service Award

The Service Award is designed to recognize continued and increasing service beyond the field/affiliate office level. To qualify for nomination, a candidate should be a current ACA member, having...

Special Recognition Award

The Award honors groups, organizations or individuals for their efforts to promote camping. For more information, please contact ACA at 765-342-...