Showing: 1-10 of 74 results

Marketing Your Kids Camp to Millennial Parents

If you want your camp to grow, you need to create an intentional marketing strategy focused on capturing millennial parents’ interests. Use these tips to get started and keep growing!

Compensating Camp Staff in 2024: Key Wage Issues to Consider in Setting Your Pay Policies

This article provides an update on the new "white collar" rule and discusses key issues regarding the compensation of camp staff, with a particular focus on the nuances of the 13(a)(3) "seasonal"...

ACA Group Purchasing with Trinity/HPSI

Current ACA/Trinity/HPSI members are experiencing an average savings of $13,000 annually with a collective savings of $6 million, with one camp saving over $112,000! ACA members can tap into the...

Camp Gives Kids a World of Good® Logo

ACA member camps in good standing are invited to display the Camp Gives Kids a World of Good logo. This logo shows you are a part of a the camp community and a network of camp professionals, who have...

Camp Planning, Hiring, and Marketing Timeline

Most successful camp owners start planning for summer nine months in advance. Use Sawyer's downloadable guide and planner to never miss a beat and make summer 2025 the best one yet!

Fill Your Camp Before Summer! Last Minute Social Media Marketing Tips for Recruitment and Retention

Summer is almost here and it’s not too late to sign up more campers! Join us as we explore easy to implement last-minute marketing strategies to help sign up new campers and increase retention rate....

Storytelling for Marketing: Telling the Story

DESCRIPTION: Storytelling is a deeply human experience, we’ve been telling each other stories for thousands of years. Our stories have the power to bring people together, to shape...

Business Basics for New Camp Directors

Camp professionals usually come into their roles because they have talent and passion for working with youth and staff. However, the most successful leaders in our industry combine this passion with...

Demystifying Google Analytics: Discovering what really matters in your digital marketing

Albert Einstein said it best, “Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted”.  While there are many elements of your marketing execution and internet...

Awesome Apps and Cool Tools Every Camp Needs to Know v. 2019!

Ever wish someone would filter through the millions of websites and online apps on your behalf, sharing only those that are truly remarkable, time-and money-saving?  Then this is the session for...