Volunteer for ACAThank you to the thousands of volunteers who make the American Camp Association possible!
Compensating Camp Staff in 2024: Key Wage Issues to Consider in Setting Your Pay PoliciesThis article provides an update on the new "white collar" rule and discusses key issues regarding the compensation of camp staff, with a particular focus on the nuances of the 13(a)(3) "seasonal"...
ACA, Chesapeake LeadershipYou're all camp people. In your creative minds, you hold a vast knowledge of program ideas and current events that effect our field. You care about the safety of your camp and the individuals you...
Leaders in ACA, NorthlandLocal Council of Leaders (LCOL) Chair, Kelly Schuna Christine Baumann Jana Graczyk Maria Schugel Megan Baldwin Naomi Miessler Russell Link Shannon Giere Joe...
Retention of Camper and Staff RecordsQuestions we will address here include: Should camper and staff records be retained? If so, what should be kept and why? How should a camp retain such records and for how long? When may those records...
Gluten-Related Disorders: A Complex SpectrumAn exponential boom in gluten-based illnesses has generated health crises for individuals and created challenges for camp food service grasping at how to serve these individuals. Wheat, the most...
The Celebration of Difference in Camp!Join us for a presentation on the benefits of celebrating differences in the camp bubble. Within any group of campers and staff comes a great deal of diversity and difference. The great equalizer of...
Moving from Awareness to AcceptanceAwareness is important, but acceptance is crucial, because acceptance promotes action while awareness is passive.
Peanut Allergy: Frightening Facts, Emerging Treatments, Ultimate AvoidancePeanut allergy has historically been the most fatal food allergy, comprising 50 to 62 percent of all food allergy deaths annually (Food Allergies Atlanta, 2022). It is also the leading food allergy...
Life and Autism: How Camps Can Support Campers and Staff on the Autism SpectrumAnton, Maya, and James march into camp on opening day with nerves and excitement, just like any other camper or staff. They have brought the items on the camp list, their eyes are wide with...