Showing: 1-10 of 37 results

Camp Security

According to the US Department of Justice (DOJ), the incidence of violent crimes committed against and by children and youth continues to rise in America. This alarming data has youth-serving...

Computer Network Security — Evolving Risks

According to some experts, 2012 could be the worst year ever for computer network security breaches. In 2011, major companies were victims of massive computer network security breaches. If you listen...

Resources for Camps about Public Violence

ACA has compiled a list of resources for camps to help deal with crisis response and dealing with public violence.

Preventing and Pre-Planning Response to Emergencies

Establish positive relationships with police or other law enforcement officials who provide service to the camp. Establish a system of monitoring camper behavior. Provide additional support when...

Risk Management: Privacy and Security Risks

The right to privacy is well established in the legal system of the United States. As citizens of the United States, we expect that our right to privacy will be respected. Virtually all businesses...

Emergency Preparedness

Contributed by Rhonda Mickelson and Susan E. Yoder. Severe weather used to have a season. Now, severe weather can happen at virtually any time of the year. Camps need to be prepared....

Child Protection 101: Responding as a Camp Professional

Being prepared for risks a camp may face during the summer is an important component of a good risk management strategy. Understanding historical trends and emerging issues can help with the...

It Can Happen to You: 10 Things You Can Do to Tighten Security at Your Camp

With 3 sites, 14 individual day camps, 500+ acres and more than 5000 campers and staff on our grounds each day, the Henry Kaufmann Campgrounds has spent the last 5 years focusing on its unique...

Foundation for Jewish Camp - Camp Security Webinars

Security Check!

A list of of ACA and federal security resources.