It Can Happen to You: 10 Things You Can Do to Tighten Security at Your Camp

Security person


Lenny Silberman

Core Competency

Risk Management
Site & Facilities

Type of Course

Recorded Webinar


ACA member: $39
ACA nonmember: $74

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With 3 sites, 14 individual day camps, 500+ acres and more than 5000 campers and staff on our grounds each day, the Henry Kaufmann Campgrounds has spent the last 5 years focusing on its unique security challenges. In doing so, HKC has become a leader in camp security. At this session, hearing from the perspective of a camp professional as he talks about the improvements HKC has made in securing the grounds and what they’ve able to do with a limited budget, you will walk away with at least 10 new implementable ideas for ways you can improve security at your camp.

More Information

Through this webinar participants will: 

1. What camp directors should be thinking about in terms of security at their camps 

2. Tactics for tightening security and creating a stronger security presence during camp 

3. Tactics to use with all stakeholders: camp boards, staff, parents, etc. 

Lenny Silberman is the CEO of the Henry Kaufmann Campgrounds, a non-profit organization that is home to 14 independently run day camps on three sites and hosting more than 4500 campers daily. 

Before coming to the HKC in 2008, Lenny was at the JCC Association as the Vice President of Program Services, where he spent 15 years supervising the camping, athletic and teen consultants and serving as the continental director of the JCC Maccabi Games.  Prior to his time at the JCC Association, Lenny spent 7 years as the camp director of Emma Kaufmann Camp. 

Earn 1.0 CEC for this recorded webinar. More information on CECs can be found here.

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