Showing: 1-10 of 84 results

Summer Camp Jobs: Why Work at a Camp?

Does this describe you or someone you know? You love the outdoors. You love hiking and biking and sailing. And — your good friend says you're great with kids. If you relate to this, then there'...

Job Description Samples

ACA job sample job descriptions are here to make your work easier.

Entry-Level Program Staff Certificate

Want to work with young people in a camp, afterschool, summer enrichment programs, or other community-based youth settings but lack experience?

Job Fairs

Competition for college-aged staff grows stronger every year. College students feel the pressure to build their portfolios and apply for internships with major corporations. In staff recruitment, it'...

Find a Job

Looking for a career in summer camp? Let ACA help you find seasonal, summer and year-round camp jobs. Camp jobs offer invaluable skill-building, leadership, training, and enrichment opportunities...

Find Camp Staff

Use ACA's two services, Year-round Jobs @ Camp and Summer Jobs at Camp, to help you fill your open positions at camp.

Submit a Job Fair Listing

We allow users to submit job fairs listings on our site. This requires an ACA login...

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