Showing: 31-40 of 118 results

Ideas divertidas para ser más ecológicos

Los niños y la naturaleza   Anime a sus hijos a ser "detectives de la naturaleza" y ayúdeles a crear su propio equipo de investigación con lupa, papel y lapicero para que anoten las cosas...

Connecting with Nature

"Camp is a time to explore, a time to let your brain grow, and a time to connect with the outside."  In this video blog, former ACA CEO Tom Holland explains the benefits of getting outside at...

Nature Noticing Excursions: Making Connections at Camp through Seeing, Story, and Drawing

In the November/December 2015 issue of Camping Magazine, I wrote about a phenomenon I called Noticing Deficit Disorder (NDD), a culturally induced form of vision...

Putting Sustainability into Practice: Simple Strategies to Implement at Camp

Next to national, state, and municipal parks, camps manage some of our most important natural resources. Camp settings not only introduce children to natural resources, build their skills to recreate...

Zika Virus - What Camps Need to Know

July 25, 2016 Update Concerns about Zika virus continue.  To date, 426 reported cases of Zika virus in the 50 states have been attributed to returning international travelers or their sexual...

Child Protection 101: Responding as a Camp Professional

Being prepared for risks a camp may face during the summer is an important component of a good risk management strategy. Understanding historical trends and emerging issues can help with the...

Putting Nature in Perspective: An Interview with Scott Sampson, PhD

Scott Sampson, PhD, is a dinosaur paleontologist, science communicator, and passionate advocate for connecting people with nature. He currently serves as vice president of research and collections...

Native American Night Sky Storytelling

Explore the mysteries of our Universe with Sky Tellers! Ten Native American myths and legends investigate the reason for day and Night, why we have seasons, the origin of the stars and other wondrous...

It Can Happen to You: 10 Things You Can Do to Tighten Security at Your Camp

With 3 sites, 14 individual day camps, 500+ acres and more than 5000 campers and staff on our grounds each day, the Henry Kaufmann Campgrounds has spent the last 5 years focusing on its unique...

Centers for Disease Control (CDC)