Volunteer for ACAThank you to the thousands of volunteers who make the American Camp Association possible!
Staff Engagement: It's as Simple as a Holiday CardBeing intentional with camp staff doesn’t take a lot of effort. However, the effort we do make reflects how they feel connected to camp throughout the year.
Essential Tree Management Tips for CampsHaving a comprehensive tree management plan can help mitigate risks by identifying and addressing issues and problem areas and ultimately providing a less volatile environment for your campers and...
Cooking Oil Considerations: Nutrition, Variations, Applications, and CalefactionNavigating the nutritious qualities, multiple varieties, cooking/food prep applications, and the heating process of cooking oils can be a challenging task. A good starting point is knowing what...
Job CenterFind summer camp jobs! Looking for a career in camp? We have year-round camp job listings as well. Directors - looking to find qualified camp staff for your summer camp? Post a job!
Breaking Down Employment Barriers Through Staff GrantsLearn how one camp helps address barriers to summer camp employment by paying out grants at the end of the season.
2025 National Conference: Opportunities to VolunteerThe 2025 ACA National Conference volunteer site is now open!
It Can Happen to You: 10 Things You Can Do to Tighten Security at Your CampWith 3 sites, 14 individual day camps, 500+ acres and more than 5000 campers and staff on our grounds each day, the Henry Kaufmann Campgrounds has spent the last 5 years focusing on its unique...
Building Principles: DIY . . . Is that Really a Good Idea?By their very nature, camp people are an extremely independent and self-sufficient lot. The most successful among them approach every adversity as a challenge and an opportunity to grow. But at the...
Fully Connected: How a Radical Cell Phone Policy Can Improve Your Camp Culture and Cure FOMO"Because of Camp... I have a better relationship with my phone." Said no one ever. We love camp because of the relationships we build there. So, what would camp look like if the staff committed to...