Fully Connected: How a Radical Cell Phone Policy Can Improve Your Camp Culture and Cure FOMO

Showing hands hold smart phones


Shawn Marler

Core Competency

Human Resources
Youth Development

Type of Course

Recorded Webinar


ACA member: $39
ACA nonmember: $74

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"Because of Camp... I have a better relationship with my phone." Said no one ever. We love camp because of the relationships we build there. So, what would camp look like if the staff committed to working without their phones? Not even using them during a break! But only using them on officially scheduled days and nights off. Is that crazy? Come learn how one summer camp discovered that disconnecting from our devices made us more connected than we could have imagined… Fully Connected! 

More Information

By the end of the webinar participant will learn: 

  1. Leave with resources to plan and implement a “Fully Connected” phone policy at your own camp. 

  1. Learn from Camp Rockmont’s successes and setbacks implementing its own “Fully Connected” phone policy, both from an administrator and summer staff perspective. Hear stories from other camps as well that have followed this model 

  1. Learn the rationale behind having a “Fully Connected” phone policy so that you can articulate the plan to all stakeholders – owners, directors, summer staff, and parents. 

Shawn Marler is the Associate Director for Staff Development at Camp Rockmont for Boys in Black Mountain, NC. His favorite part of the job is developing college students through the entirety of the staffing process - from recruiting and interviewing in the off-season, to training and evaluating during the summer, to equipping staff to effectively and winsomely market themselves to future employers. Shawn enjoys serving as an ACA Visitor, speaking at ACA conferences, and helping lead the Western North Carolina EPIC team. He’s also passionate about hiking to fire towers, building terrariums, adventuring in other countries, and reading Pat Conroy. 

Earn 1.0 CEC for this recorded webinar. More information on CECs can be found here.

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