Directions: Youth Development Outcomes of the Camp ExperienceResearch done to determine the outcomes of the camp experience as expressed by parents and children.
2024 July/August Camping MagazineView the digital issue. Featured Articles...
Professional Development Volunteer Leader ResourcesWelcome to the Professional Development Resource Page for volunteers and ACA staff members in ACA local offices. Helpful templates, tools, and links are intended to support your work as leaders...
National Economic Impact Study of the Camp IndustryThis groundbreaking report includes economic impact analyses for the United States and each of the fifty states.
2024 March/April Camping MagazineBetter Business Practices
2024 May/June Camping MagazineStaff training issue.
Extreme Heat - Preventing and Identifying Heat-Related IllnessIn extreme temperatures and humidity, it is important to train staff on the dangers of heat-related illnesses, signs of heat-related illnesses, and appropriate preventative measures.
Wildfires and Smoke Impacting CampsThe American Camp Association provides resources for developing wildfire preparation, response and recovery plans.
Summer Learning ResourcesCamps and other youth development programs provide the opportunity to reduce summer learning loss in an expanded learning environment where children are engaged experientially and have an opportunity...
Radon Contamination - Regulations Applicable to CampsRadon is the number one cause of lung cancer among nonsmokers and an important national public health issue. If your camp has buildings, you should be familiar with the issues related to radon...