Showing: 1-10 of 10 results

Template Resource Documents for Camp Operations

ACA is committed to providing resources to assist in your camp's operation. These resources include sample schedules, planning forms, charts of accounts, supply lists, and more. These samples...

Project Real Job

Get assistance with communicating the career-enhancing benefits of working at camp to prospective employees and their parents.

Staffing and Human Resources — COVID-19

Job Seekers Job Resources for Summer 2020 Staffing Camp Staff Recruitment and Hiring Ideas Amid Coronavirus Concerns...

New Form I-9 for the Hiring Process for Camps

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has released a revised version of Form...

Governmental Agencies Related to Employment

IRS Employment Tax Forms Forms from the Internal...

Tax Incentives for Camps Who Hire Veterans

In 2001, Congress enacted a new law that amends the Internal Revenue Code.  Named the VOW to Hire Heroes Act - it includes tax credits for businesses that hire unemployed veterans. The law...

Criminal Background Checks - Issues and Resources for Camps

ACA believes that camps should utilize multifaceted screening and hiring programs and support practices appropriate to the clientele, staffing, supervision, and program consideration of each camp.

Fair Labor Standards Act - Applicability to Camps

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) establishes minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and child labor standards affecting full-time and part-time workers in the private sector and in Federal,...

Job Description Samples

ACA job sample job descriptions are here to make your work easier.

Staffing, Compensation, and Benefits Report

Each year, the American Camp Association (ACA) surveys its members about specific areas of their camp operations and makes the results available so camps can benchmark their business practices.