Funds are available to provide support for participation in a local, regional, or national ACA education-based event. Examples include the Southeastern Fall Camp Conference, the ACA National Conference, or other ACA-sponsored events.

Support is awarded as funds are made available by the Local Council of Leaders. Awards are considered based on the information provided within the form. Preference will be given to those applicants who have not received prior PD support funds.

How To Apply

  1. Applicants must either be a current member of ACA and a member of the Southeastern Field office (NC, SC, GA, FL, Puerto Rico). If you are not a current member, ACA offers a one-year Free Membership - you may complete that application here.
  2. Complete the Online Professional Development Support Fund Form
  3. Applicants for PD support to attend the Southeastern Fall Conference in Greenville, SC must be received by October 8, 2024. Applications received after that date will not be considered. 
  4. Applications for PD support to attend the ACA National Conference will be considered during the years when the National Conference is located in the Southeastern field office. 
  5. Because of the varied timing of equestrian training, applications for Peggy Adams PD funds may be submitted at any time throughout the year. 
  6. Applications for other ACA-sponsored PD educational opportunities are due 6 weeks in advance of the event. 
  7. PD support funds are provided as reimbursement for expenses. Awardees must submit all receipts within 10 days of the conclusion of the education event. 


James Hollandsworth reading by a fireThe James "Pop" Hollandsworth Memorial Professional Development Support Fund

About Pop

Pop Hollandsworth was a figure in outdoor leadership, camp, and education for over 50 years in Western North Carolina. Beginning with his early years at Camp Sequoyah and his later years at the Asheville School, Pop was dedicated to positively impacting the lives of youth, utilizing outdoor spaces as his classroom. Pop served for many years as the Executive Secretary for the ACA, Southeastern Section, and was named Board Member Emeritus of the Section in 2009. Though he passed away in 2013, his legacy will live on in the Southeast.

The Peggy Adams Equestrian Professional Development Support Fund

This support fund is designed specifically to support participation in an equestrian education course or training. Courses should be hosted by ACA recognized equestrian organizations, such as the Certified Horsemanship Association (CHA) or equivalent. Support is provided to one individual each year for $250.00.

Peggy Adams with 2 horsesAbout Peggy

Peggy Adams spent many years working for and supporting camps in Georgia. During that time, she also spent many years tirelessly serving the Southeastern Section as a volunteer and member of the Board of Directors. Since retirement, Peggy has continued her love of working with kids in the out-of-doors, this time through the operation of her own stables in Georgia, providing riding lessons and boarding horses.

Professional Development Support Fund Form

What our past  recipients say:

...the scholarship gave me access to a group of professionals who made me realize that camp is a real profession. The ACA conferences made me realize that what I really wanted to do with my life was not only a possibility, but a true profession that people work their whole lives towards. I always knew I wanted to make a difference, the exposure and professional development that the conferences brought to me allowed me to find the right path to do that. Thank you for the opportunity.

Without the Southeastern Professional Development Scholarship Funds, I would not have been able to attend the Southeastern Conference. There I gained valuable knowledge about the camp issues that matter most to me. More importantly, the conference was really the first time I started my inter-camp support network. I am so thankful to have had this opportunity, thanks ACA!