
The Value of Camp

Tue, 05/19/2015 - 20:48

Promoting Youth Development Through Research

Enriching the Lives of Children

  • A generous grant from Lilly Endowment Inc. helped support the largest research study of camper outcomes ever conducted in the United States.
  • A respected, independent research firm, Philliber Research Associates, collected longitudinal data at 92 randomly selected camps.
  • More than 5,000 families from around the country participated.
  • Results confirmed that camps build skills necessary to prepare campers to assume roles as successful adults. Parents, campers, and camp staff independently reported growth in areas such as self-confidence, independence, making friends, exploring and learning new activities, and spirituality. Indeed, camp provides growth experiences for youth that can benefit them through adulthood.

Campers Say

  • Camp helped me make new friends. (96%)
  • Camp helped me to get to know kids who are different from me. (93%)
  • The people at camp helped me feel good about myself. (92%)
  • At camp, I did things I was afraid to do at first. (74%)

Parents Say

  • My child gained self-confidence at camp. (70%)
  • My child continues to participate in some of the new activities he or she learned at camp. (63%)
  • My child remains in contact with friends made at camp. (69%)

Camp gives kids a world of good logoACA’s Commitment

The American Camp Association is committed to your child’s growth and development. Measuring how camps are doing to address the potential of every child is an integral part of ACA’s mission. Camp is both a laboratory and a catalyst for child development. By studying campers’ experiences and camp’s impact on the lives of young people, ACA provides parents with the knowledge to make good decisions, to thoughtfully guide their children, and to offer opportunities for powerful lessons in community, character building, skill development, and healthy living. Camp is a powerful, positive force!

What ACA's Commitment Means for Parents

  • ACA provides camps with the most up-to-date information and best practices in the field of youth development.
  • ACA is actively conducting research that contributes to understanding youth development.

Expert Advice

Tue, 05/19/2015 - 20:45

Dear Parent,

Welcome to a new chapter in the life of your family! I say this because when a child goes off to camp for the first time, everyone in the family grows from the experience, not just your courageous camper!

You already know that camp presents a tremendous opportunity for your child to widen horizons, make new and lasting friends, and discover new strengths. After all, you wouldn’t be considering camp if you didn’t think it would add substantially to your child’s growth and development. And although camp can help your child learn a better backhand in tennis, acquire a stronger stroke in swimming, or improve a skill in just about any physical endeavor, the true payoff of camp will be apparent when your child comes home more self-reliant, self-sufficient, and self-confident. What a gift to give to your child!

So even though you know about all the social and emotional benefits that a quality camp experience can bestow on your child, don’t be surprised if as a parent you have mixed feelings about this blessing. Most parents do! After all, nothing takes more trust than giving your child over to the care of other adults. Finding this trust, letting your child see that trust and letting your child go off on his or her own adventure with your blessing takes courage! It is also why I say you, as a parent, will grow from the experience of camp, too! 

So take comfort in knowing your child is about to enter a safe place that will help him or her widen horizons, develop greater coping skills, and become more resilient—just as it will you!

In admiration,

Bob Ditter

Bob Ditter is a child, adolescent, and family therapist in Boston, Massachusetts. He consults with youth agencies throughout the United States, including The American Camp Association (ACA), The Girl Scouts of the USA, The YMCA, Salvation Army, JCC, and many others. He has visited over 500 camps in the United States, writes a column for Camping Magazine, the official publication of ACA, and has authored several books and training videos for camp professionals.

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Camp Visits — Making the Most of the Interview

Tue, 05/19/2015 - 20:45

When you receive a camp's brochure, you will invariably have questions for the camp director. From that first phone call or letter, you begin developing an impression of what a particular camp is like and how it's run. A camp may be described in nothing less than glowing terms in its brochures. The setting may be absolutely breathtaking. Activities may run the gamut from racquetball to modern dance. In the end, however, it's the human equation of how those activities are operated and conducted that determines the quality of the camp program. Get to know the camp director as a person through telephone conversations, correspondence, and a personal visit. Have the director describe the camp's philosophy and how it is carried out by the staff.

What is the camp's philosophy and program emphasis?

Each camp has its own method of constructing programs based on its philosophy. Does it complement your own parenting philosophy? Many camps actively promote competition and healthy rivalry among camp teams, as reflected in team sports. For many campers this is pure fun. Some parents feel that learning to be competitive at an early age teaches essential survival skills. However, other parents and educators are in favor of cooperative learning. Research has shown that noncompetitive methods encourage young people to learn more, retain it longer, and develop greater self-esteem and appreciation for others. Knowing your child's personality and style of learning is valuable in selecting the right camp.

What is the camp director's background?

ACA minimum standards recommend directors possess a bachelor's degree, have completed in-service training within the past three years, and have at least 16 weeks of camp administrative experience before assuming the responsibilities of director.

What training do counselors receive?

At a minimum, camp staff should be trained in safety regulations, emergency procedures and communication, behavior management techniques, child abuse prevention, appropriate staff and camper behavior, and specific procedures for supervision.

What is the counselor-to-camper ratio?

ACA standards require different ratios for varying ages and special needs. Generally, the ratios at resident camps range from one staff for every six campers ages 7 and 8; one staff for every eight campers ages 9 to 14; and one staff for every 10 campers ages 15 to 18. At day camps the ratios range from one staff for every eight campers ages 6 to 8; one staff for every 10 campers ages 9 to 14; and one staff for every 12 campers ages 15 to 18.

What are the ages of the counselors?

ACA standards recommend that 80 percent or more of the counselor/program staff be at least 18 years old. Staff must be at least 16 years old and be at least two years older than the campers with whom they work.

What are desired qualities in camp staff?

The same qualities of trustworthiness and dependability sought by any employer are valued commodities in camp employees. Also, the ability to adapt to a variety of situations, empathy for and ability to work with camp clientele, a strong self-image, and an outgoing personality are important characteristics for camp staff.

What percentage of the counselors returned from last year?

Most camps have from 40-60 percent returning staff. If the rate is lower, find out why.

How are behavioral and disciplinary problems handled?

This is where the director's philosophy comes through loud and clear. Positive reinforcement, assertive role-modeling and a sense of fair play are generally regarded as key components of camp counseling and leadership. Rules are necessary in any organization, and the disciplinary approach taken should be reasonable and well communicated. If penalties are involved for violations, they should be applied quickly, fairly, calmly, and without undue criticism to campers.

How does the camp handle special needs?

If your child has special requirements, ask the camp director about needed provisions and facilities. Is there a nurse on staff? A designated place to store insulin or allergy medicine? Are special foods available for campers with restricted diets? Every question is important.

How does the camp handle homesickness and other adjustment issues?

Again, the camp's philosophy on helping children adjust is important. Be sure you are comfortable with the camp's guidelines on parent/child contact.

What about references?

This is generally one of the best ways to check a camp's reputation and service record. Directors should be happy to provide references.

Is the camp accredited by the American Camp Association? Why? Why not?

It is only logical that members of your family attend an ACA-accredited camp. Accreditation visitors ask the questions — up to 300 of them — regarding essential health, safety, and program quality issues important to a camp's overall operation. This does not guarantee a risk-free environment, but it's some of the best evidence parents have of a camp's commitment to a safe and nurturing environment for their children.

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