Meet Staff Where They Are Not Where You Wish They Would Be

counselor with campers outdoors


Kim Aycock and Deb Jordan

Core Competency

Human Resources

Type of Course

Recorded Webinar


ACA member: $39
ACA nonmember: $74

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Unanswered emails. Requests (demands) for time-off. Over-involved parents. What’s the matter with young people today? Most likely nothing! We have more in common with this cohort of staff than one might think; their needs are just expressed differently. We have an opportunity to communicate that we are in touch with the times and yet have a handle on timeless wisdom. Recruit staff for next summer (and beyond) by demonstrating that we understand the perspectives of those we hope to hire without compromising important vision, values, and views. Ideas gathered from several Think-Tank sessions at regional ACA events will be shared.    

More Information

By the end of the webinar, participants will: 

  1. Recognize globally and individually the view on leadership and communication styles (and often barriers) to connecting with and hiring staff today 

  1. Compare needs of today’s staff with our own needs to see they are similar but just expressed differently 

  1. Formulate concrete “to do” ideas and strategies to successfully recruit staff for next summer and beyond 

Photo of Kim Aycock smiling wearing thick frames positioned in front of green bushedKim Aycock, MST, has 30+ years of experience developing young people with skills robots are unable to do. While blending the talents of a master teacher with the knowledge of a seasoned camp expert, Kim ignites the learning for varying levels of campers and staff worldwide. She has the ability to connect with and motivate learners of all ages through her interactive and innovative presentations. Kim speaks professionally at regional and national conferences, presents webinars, contributes regularly to Camping Magazine and ACA blogs, and serves as Co-Chair of ACA’s Project Real Job Committee. More information can be found at:

Dr. Deb Jordan is a professor in Recreation and Park Management at East Carolina University. She started her professional career in camping and has more than 35 years of experience as an educator and trainer. Deb presents workshops and training sessions all over the country primarily in the areas of leadership development, diversity, and evaluation. Deb currently serves as the co-chair of standards for the ACA, Southeastern region and is deeply involved (along with Kim Aycock) in the efforts of ACA’s Project Real Job initiative. Its goal is to provide resources to camps to help them find, recruit, and hire staff. Sharing research findings and best practices, Deb connects with camps through a variety of avenues. 

Earn 1.0 CEC for this recorded webinar. More information on CECs can be found here.

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