We Need PLAY Now More Than Ever!


Jed Dearybury

Core Competency

Program Planning
Youth Development

Type of Course

Recorded Webinar


$40 Member; $80 Nonmember

Play is beneficial for ALL ages. It positively impacts brain growth, academic development, social emotional wellbeing and enhances creative and critical thinking across generations. Sadly, playful learning has been removed from many educational spaces in spite of the overwhelming evidence that PLAY is needed now more than ever. In this four-part webinar series, we will dig into the research, generate a multitude of hands-on engaging experiences for campers, and most importantly, PLAY! Each meeting will focus on a different component that play is all about!

Series Workshops:

  1. People 
    Play builds community. As people, as humans, we must seek ways to bring playful experiences into every as many aspects of life as possible to strengthen the bonds of those we live and work with. Time, Space, and Opportunity are key. Join us to learn more about how play makes you a better person
  2. Learning 
    The brain benefits of play and its affect on learning have been widely noted. It is the work of the child, but also the work of adults. Playful experiences make the learning stick! Want to know more about the neuroscience? This webinar is for you!
  3. Acceptance 
    If ever there was a time for more empathy in the world, now is it. It’s hard to hate those with whom you play. Play strengthens our human bonds and helps to accept others. Join us for this important chat about the power of play in relationships.
  4. Yee-Haw 
    Playing is FUN! There are all kinds of ways to do it. The most important part is that you LOVE what you are doing and make it great! A big hardy YEE-HAW makes us all feel good. As we close out this webinar, we will celebrate our playful personalities and find the type that suits us best!

Presenter Bio:
Jed Dearybury began his education career in 2001. During his 13-year early childhood classroom tenure, Jed received numerous awards. He was featured in GQ Magazine as Male Leader of the Year, met President Obama as the SC winner of the Presidential Award for Excellence in Math and Science Teaching, and was named as a top 5 finalist for South Carolina Teacher of the Year because of his passion, love, and success in education. Since leaving the classroom in 2015 he has been leading professional development across the country, as well as training the next generation of educators through his work with Higher Ed. As of August 2019, he is the Director of Creativity and Innovation at mrdearybury.com LLC. His mission: Equip, Encourage, Empower the teaching profession using creativity, laughter, and hands-on fun!