Showing: 1-10 of 118 results

Compensating Camp Staff in 2024: Key Wage Issues to Consider in Setting Your Pay Policies

This article provides an update on the new "white collar" rule and discusses key issues regarding the compensation of camp staff, with a particular focus on the nuances of the 13(a)(3) "seasonal"...

School Comes to Camp: A New Era in Funding Camp/School Partnerships

Think camp!  Think academics surrounded with the enrichment experiences camps traditionally provide. Add in the social emotional learning skills camps reinforce.  The result is a community...

Not-for-Profit Development Roundtable - Giving Tuesday

The ninth annual GivingTuesday is coming up on December 3! If your camp or organization has never participated before or thought about it but didn't know where to begin, join us. This is ACA's first-...

Bully Proof Your Camp - Gan Israel

So many incidences of mean behavior, (and sometimes even bullying) occur at camp. Time is less structured than at school and counselors are young and don't necessarily have the tools to notice or...

Not-for-Profit Council

The Not-for-Profit Council is an affiliate organization of the American Camp Association and operates with guidelines created by ACA to serve the special interests of the not-for-profit camp...

Camp Advocacy Call

ACA is supporting state advocacy efforts through quarterly stakeholder meetings with individuals and organizations engaged in advocating for appropriate rules and regulations for camps. Learn...

Public Policy

As an educational nonprofit association, the American Camp Association is dedicated to providing quality, reliable, and up-to-date information about the laws and regulations and other public policy...

2024 Camp Hill Days Recap

Camp Hill Days allowed camp professionals to advocate for camp to the government.

Bullying: What It Is, What It Isn’t, What To Do, and What Not To

Question: What are the chances that a bully will be among the group of campers you are responsible for this summer? Answer: Zero. Sorry, this is a trick question. Bullying is a behavior, not an...

I Can't Breathe — Poor Air Quality and Communities of Color

Anyone who operated, worked at, or attended a camp this past summer knows more than a thing or two (and likely more than they ever wanted to know) about risk. I, Briana Mitchell, am one of those...