Building Healthy Relationships with Parents: What Every Camp Needs to KnowToday’s parents are supportive and dedicated to their children, but they are also the most anxious and controlling parents in American history. Successful camps have strategies in place for...
Three Ways to Create Loyal, Lifelong Customers by Improving Communication with ParentsCamp programs often excel at providing campers with positive, meaningful, and growth-filled camp experiences, but some fall short when it comes to providing parents with an equally positive...
Bully Proof Your Camp - Gan IsraelSo many incidences of mean behavior, (and sometimes even bullying) occur at camp. Time is less structured than at school and counselors are young and don't necessarily have the tools to notice or...
Reimagining Faith-Based Family Camp: A Model for Family TogethernessThe Blue Ridge mountains of Virginia were settled by strong and resilient families. In Nelson County many families were in these mountains long before a local government was established in 1807....
Bullying: What It Is, What It Isn’t, What To Do, and What Not ToQuestion: What are the chances that a bully will be among the group of campers you are responsible for this summer? Answer: Zero. Sorry, this is a trick question. Bullying is a behavior, not an...
Criminal Background Checks - Issues and Resources for CampsACA believes that camps should utilize multifaceted screening and hiring programs and support practices appropriate to the clientele, staffing, supervision, and program consideration of each camp.
GLSEN Safe Space Kit
Sorry, Not SorryWe've all been there. We're trying to help or referee some situation with kids, we're told a few things or parts of the story, and we think we know what happened, so we turn to the kid who we think...
Play and Healing: Therapeutic recreation's role in coping with griefCamp can be an ideal setting to help children cope with the death of a loved one. Since 1991, Camp ReLeaf, a weekend camp hosted by Triangle Hospice of Durham, North Carolina, has been helping...
Sankofa: The Value of Meaningful Debrief to End the Camp SeasonAnother camp season is complete. After working overtime to ensure that every session was special, enriching, and fun-filled, we camp professionals are finally able to exhale. We did it! The energy,...